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TerraSim Releases 64-bit Native Xtract 2

TerraSim is pleased to announce the release of Xtract Version 2.  Xtract is a TerraSim Source Data Preparation product that extracts valuable geospatial source data from legacy simulation runtime databases.  This completely updated release is based on a 64-bit native reimplementation, allowing Xtract 2 to process significantly larger area legacy databases as well as the most complex terrain content.

Xtract users can purchase support for up to three legacy input formats.  Major improvements to each of these input formats include:

– CTDB Option:  Improved handling of ModSAF/OTBSAF (CTDB 7) and new support for JointSAF
  (CTDB 8.7) format.
– OneSAF Option:  Improved processing of complex OneSAF Terrain Format 7.
– OpenFlight Option:  New support for OpenSceneGraph databases as a part of the OpenFlight
   import option.

In addition to these major updates, a number of minor improvements increase ease of use and efficiency.  Xtract 2 includes improved shapefile and DTED export, support for input of Lambert and Geocentric OpenFlight databases, and the export of VBS2 P3D models (from other model formats) with complete configuration files.

Xtract 2 exports recovered geospatial data to the widest variety of third party geospatial data processing products, including Global Mapper, 3DStudio Max, Bohemia Interactive Oxygene, ESRI ArcGIS, OpenSceneGraph viewers, Google Earth, Presagis Creator, and more.

To learn more about Xtract, visit