The National Center for Simulation is excited to see member companies benefit from the interaction with other member companies. One of the tools NCS offers is a member-sponsored Lunch & Learn. Typically scheduled to coordinate with a Team Orlando Procurement Administrative Lead Time (PALT) session day, these informal training or development sessions are complemented with lunch, which is underwritten by the presenting company.
PALT is the response to the industry’s requests to improve communication between military acquisition commands, and industry stakeholders. The Army/Marine Corp PALTs are in the morning and the Navy in the afternoon. Lunch & Learn (L&L) events fit nicely in between the two so your audience can refuel, learn, and seek out long-term business relationships simultaneously.
Your member company (presenter) will:
There are no hard-and-fast rules that govern the way you run your Lunch & Learn. It’s up to you to decide what’s appropriate for your organization and what will benefit the entire group listening to your presentation. However, this should not be seen as a “capability briefing” or “sales pitch” for your company. This is a learning/training information session for the good of the entire MS&T community attending. It is, however, acceptable to have a slide or two on your company who, what, and how.
Tips that may help you achieve your goals:
Whether the focus is on life skills, partnering, or business goals, remember that you’re asking people to give up their lunch. Good food will encourage them, but there’s more to a successful Lunch & Learn than just free pizza! So, make sure that your event is worthwhile, relevant, and interesting. If the subject resonates, people will be happy to attend and connect with your company in the future.
We look forward to seeing you host a successful event, one worthy of your time and your attendee’s.