President’s Corner

Welcome to the President’s Corner! 

We hope that you are enjoying our Quarterly Newsletter, “The NCS Newsflash” that you can find on our main home page. As you will see in the Newsflash, this quarter has been very active for NCS and the MS&T community. The Florida Simulation Summit was an overwhelming success and brought together the tri-county area (Orange, Seminole, and Osceola) to provide a forum to discuss the transformation of the world of medicine and healthcare. Many thanks to the county leaders and our generous sponsors for your support!

Summers are always exciting around NCS with GEMS STEMCamps that will amaze 300+ middle schoolers. We have a fabulous staff and crew of volunteers and I am constantly amazed by the abilities of our next generation of the workforce!


Please feel free to contact Neal or me with any questions or suggestions you might have. Thanks for the continued support!


George E. Cheros
President and CEO