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Florida's Professional Science Master's Programs (PSM)–Growing the Workforce of the Future Today!

What is a PSM:  A STEM Program that translates science to business!

PSM programs provide a new kind of degree that prepares graduates for work in active science, combines technical competencies with workforce skills, and leads to careers outside of academia.  Skills such as interdisciplinary teamwork, project management, communications skills, basic business skills, and training in ethics and legal and regulatory issues are built into PSM curricula, along with a solid science foundation and a required internship.

To date Florida has 27 PSM programs across the state with 272 students enrolled in Fall 2010 and  70 graduates.  The opportunity for Industry is tied to the internship requirement.  By partnering with Florida’s PSM programs, Industry can play a critical role in preparing an “employment ready” graduate.  UCF has a PSM program in Modeling & Simulation and Lt Gen (Ret) Baptiste, President/Executive Director, National Center for Simulation Co-chairs the State-level PSM Advisory Council.  

For more information on the 27 PSM programs across the state of Florida, locations and POCs and a progress report from the Council of Graduate Schools, click on the link below and refer to the attached files.