On December 31, 2024, the terms of service of six (6) members of the NCS Board of Directors (BOD) will expire. Each of the incumbents is eligible to run for re-election and the election is also open to other NCS Members who are interested in seeking a seat on the BOD for a three-year term.
If your company or organization has an NCS Corporate or Organizational Membership in good standing (dues current) and you are interested in seeking election to one of six (6) available BOD seats, please fill out this form and upload an individual photo, a short bio and a short paragraph that describes why you would like to serve on the NCS BOD and what you will bring to the BOD if elected. This material will be posted to the NCS website for Member’s review during the online voting process.
Note: Associate/ Individual Members (practitioner) are not eligible to run for election to the BOD.